
Churros propose un système de formulaires, à l'instar de Google Forms. Sert principalement à poser des questions supplémentaires lors d'une réservation d'un évènement, où à effectuer des sondages.



  • answerString: String
  • booking: Registration?
  • checkboxIsMarked: Boolean?
  • createdAt: DateTime
  • createdBy: User?
  • form: Form
  • id: ID
  • question: Question
  • section: FormSection
  • updatedAt: DateTime

AnswerDate implements Answer

  • answerString: String
  • booking: Registration?
  • checkboxIsMarked: Boolean?
  • createdAt: DateTime
  • createdBy: User?
  • form: Form
  • id: ID
  • question: QuestionScalar
  • rawValue: String?
  • section: FormSection
  • updatedAt: DateTime
  • value: DateTime?

AnswerFileUpload implements Answer

  • answerString: String
  • booking: Registration?
  • checkboxIsMarked: Boolean?
  • createdAt: DateTime
  • createdBy: User?
  • form: Form
  • id: ID
  • question: QuestionFileUpload
    • allowedFileTypes: [ String]?
    • anonymous: Boolean
    • answers(​...) →  QuestionAnswersConnection


      • after: String?
      • before: String?
      • by: String?
      • first: Int?
      • last: Int?
    • defaultAnswer: Answer?
    • description: String
    • descriptionHtml: String
    • id: ID
    • mandatory: Boolean
    • myAnswer: Answer?
    • order: Int
    • section: FormSection
    • title: String
    • totalAnswers: Int
    • type: Date | FileUpload | LongText | Number | Scale | SelectMultiple | SelectOne | Text | Time
  • section: FormSection
  • updatedAt: DateTime
  • value: String?


  • answer: [ String]
  • question: ID

AnswerScale implements Answer

  • answerString: String
  • booking: Registration?
  • checkboxIsMarked: Boolean?
  • createdAt: DateTime
  • createdBy: User?
  • form: Form
  • id: ID
  • normalizedValue: Float?
  • question: QuestionScale
    • anonymous: Boolean
    • answerCounts: [ StringToIntMapping]
    • answers(​...) →  QuestionAnswersConnection


      • after: String?
      • before: String?
      • by: String?
      • first: Int?
      • last: Int?
    • defaultAnswer: Answer?
    • description: String
    • descriptionHtml: String
    • id: ID
    • labels: [ String]
    • mandatory: Boolean
    • maximum: Int
    • maximumLabel: String
    • minimum: Int
    • minimumLabel: String
    • myAnswer: Answer?
    • options: [ Int]
    • order: Int
    • section: FormSection
    • title: String
    • totalAnswers: Int
    • type: Date | FileUpload | LongText | Number | Scale | SelectMultiple | SelectOne | Text | Time
  • section: FormSection
  • updatedAt: DateTime
  • value: Int?

AnswerSelectMultiple implements Answer

  • answerString: String
  • booking: Registration?
  • checkboxIsMarked: Boolean?
  • createdAt: DateTime
  • createdBy: User?
  • form: Form
  • id: ID
  • question: QuestionSelectMultiple
    • allowOptionsOther: Boolean
    • anonymous: Boolean
    • answerCounts: [ StringToIntMapping]
    • answers(​...) →  QuestionAnswersConnection


      • after: String?
      • before: String?
      • by: String?
      • first: Int?
      • last: Int?
    • defaultAnswer: Answer?
    • description: String
    • descriptionHtml: String
    • id: ID
    • mandatory: Boolean
    • myAnswer: Answer?
    • options: [ String]
    • order: Int
    • section: FormSection
    • title: String
    • totalAnswers: Int
    • type: Date | FileUpload | LongText | Number | Scale | SelectMultiple | SelectOne | Text | Time
  • section: FormSection
  • updatedAt: DateTime
  • value: [ String]?

AnswerSelectOne implements Answer

  • answerString: String
  • booking: Registration?
  • checkboxIsMarked: Boolean?
  • createdAt: DateTime
  • createdBy: User?
  • form: Form
  • id: ID
  • question: QuestionSelectOne
    • allowOptionsOther: Boolean
    • anonymous: Boolean
    • answerCounts: [ StringToIntMapping]
    • answers(​...) →  QuestionAnswersConnection


      • after: String?
      • before: String?
      • by: String?
      • first: Int?
      • last: Int?
    • defaultAnswer: Answer?
    • description: String
    • descriptionHtml: String
    • groups: [ Group]
    • id: ID
    • jumps: [ FormSection]
    • mandatory: Boolean
    • myAnswer: Answer?
    • options: [ String]
    • order: Int
    • section: FormSection
    • title: String
    • totalAnswers: Int
    • type: Date | FileUpload | LongText | Number | Scale | SelectMultiple | SelectOne | Text | Time
  • section: FormSection
  • updatedAt: DateTime
  • value: String?

AnswerTime implements Answer

  • answer: Answer
  • answerString: String
  • booking: Registration?
  • checkboxIsMarked: Boolean?
  • createdAt: DateTime
  • createdBy: User?
  • form: Form
  • id: ID
  • question: QuestionScalar
  • rawValue: String?
  • section: FormSection
  • updatedAt: DateTime
  • value: DateTime?


  • CSV
  • TSV


  • answers: [ Answer]
  • date: DateTime
  • user: User


  • answerCount: Int
  • answers(​after, ​before, ​first, ​last) →  FormAnswersConnection


    • after: String?
    • before: String?
    • first: Int?
    • last: Int?
  • answersByUser(​...) →  FormAnswersByUserConnection


    • after: String?
    • before: String?
    • first: Int?
    • last: Int?
    • q: String?
  • answersExport(​format:  AnswersExportFormats = CSV) →  String


    • format: CSV | TSV = "CSV"
  • canAnswer: Boolean
  • canEdit: Boolean
  • canModifyAnswers: Boolean
  • canSeeAnswerStats: Boolean
  • canSeeAnswers: Boolean
  • canSetCheckboxes: Boolean
  • checkboxesAreEnabled: Boolean
  • closesAt: DateTime?
  • createdAt: DateTime
  • createdBy: User?
  • description: String?
  • descriptionHtml: String
  • event: Event?
  • group: Group?
  • hasSections: Boolean
  • id: ID
  • linkedGoogleSheetUrl: String?
  • localID: LocalID
  • localId: String
  • myAnswers: [ Answer]
  • opensAt: DateTime?
  • questions(​after, ​before, ​first, ​last) →  FormQuestionsConnection


    • after: String?
    • before: String?
    • first: Int?
    • last: Int?
  • searchAnswers(​q:  String, ​similarityCutoff:  Float?) →  [ AnswerSearchResult]


    • q: String
    • similarityCutoff: Float?
  • section(​id:  String?) →  FormSection


    • id: String?
  • sections: [ FormSection]
  • title: String
  • updatedAt: DateTime
  • visibility: GroupRestricted | Private | Public | SchoolRestricted | Unlisted


  • form: Form
  • highlightedDescription: String
  • id: ID
  • rank: Float?
  • similarity: Float


  • answers(​after, ​before, ​first, ​last) →  FormSectionAnswersConnection


    • after: String?
    • before: String?
    • first: Int?
    • last: Int?
  • description: String
  • descriptionHtml: String
  • form: Form
  • id: ID
  • localId: String
  • nextSection: FormSection?
  • order: Int
  • questions: [ Question]
  • restrictedToGroups: [ Group]
  • title: String


  • anonymous: Boolean
  • answers(​...) →  QuestionAnswersConnection


    • after: String?
    • before: String?
    • by: String?
    • first: Int?
    • last: Int?
  • defaultAnswer: Answer?
  • description: String
  • descriptionHtml: String
  • id: ID
  • mandatory: Boolean
  • myAnswer: Answer?
  • order: Int
  • section: FormSection
  • title: String
  • totalAnswers: Int
  • type: Date | FileUpload | LongText | Number | Scale | SelectMultiple | SelectOne | Text | Time


  • Date
  • FileUpload
  • LongText
  • Number
  • Scale
  • SelectMultiple
  • SelectOne
  • Text
  • Time

QuestionScalar implements Question

  • anonymous: Boolean
  • answers(​...) →  QuestionAnswersConnection


    • after: String?
    • before: String?
    • by: String?
    • first: Int?
    • last: Int?
  • defaultAnswer: Answer?
  • description: String
  • descriptionHtml: String
  • id: ID
  • mandatory: Boolean
  • myAnswer: Answer?
  • order: Int
  • section: FormSection
  • title: String
  • totalAnswers: Int
  • type: Date | FileUpload | LongText | Number | Scale | SelectMultiple | SelectOne | Text | Time


allForms(​after:  String?, ​before:  String?, ​first:  Int?, ​last:  Int?) →  Connection< Form>

LIVE form(​localId:  String) →  Form?


  • localId: String

forms(​after:  String?, ​before:  String?, ​first:  Int?, ​last:  Int?) →  Connection< Form>

searchForms(​q:  String, ​similarityCutoff:  Float?) →  [ FormSearchResult]


  • q: String
  • similarityCutoff: Float?


answerFileQuestion(​answer:  File, ​question:  ID) →  AnswerFileUpload


  • answer: File
  • question: ID

answerFormSection(​answers:  [ AnswerInput], ​section:  ID) →  Result< Answer>


createLinkedGoogleSheet(​form:  ID) →  String


  • form: ID

setFormAnswersCheckbox(​checked:  Boolean, ​form:  String, ​userId:  ID) →  Form


  • checked: Boolean
  • form: String
  • userId: ID


form(​localId:  String) →  Form?


  • localId: String

Churros API, version 1.71.0 (at 242e0c3)

Made with <3 by net7 net7

Documentation generated with Graphinx