
Les personnes utilisant l'application.


L'inscription se fait en deux ou trois parties: la première consiste à donner simplement une adresse e-mail et à la valider. Ensuite, on rentre le reste des informations. Enfin, si la personne déclare appartenir à une école mais que l'e-mail n'est pas dans le domaine de l'école (ce qui prouve automatiquement que la personne est étudiante), il faut qu'un admin confirme manuellement.

Ce n'est qu'après cette validation (quand elle est nécessaire) que l'objet UserCandidate est transformé en User.


La mutation login permet la connexion.



  • active: Boolean
  • createdAt: DateTime
  • expiresAt: DateTime?
  • id: ID
  • name: String
  • token: String
  • type: CredentialType
    • Google
    • Password
    • Token
  • user: User
  • userAgent: String


  • createdAt: DateTime
  • godchild: User
  • godparent: User
  • id: ID
  • updatedAt: DateTime


  • code: String
  • createdAt: DateTime
  • expired: Boolean
  • id: ID
  • localID: LocalID
  • school: School
  • schoolId: ID
  • updatedAt: DateTime
  • validUntil: DateTime

User implements Pictured

  • address: String
  • admin: Boolean
  • adminOf(​studentAssociation:  String) →  Boolean


    • studentAssociation: String
  • allowedApps: [ ThirdPartyApp]
    • active: Boolean
    • allowedRedirectUris: [ String]
    • apiUsage(​after, ​before, ​first, ​last) →  ThirdPartyAppApiUsageConnection


      • after: String?
      • before: String?
      • first: Int?
      • last: Int?
    • clientId: String
    • createdAt: DateTime
    • description: String
    • faviconUrl: String
    • id: ID
    • logs(​after, ​before, ​first, ​last) →  ThirdPartyAppLogsConnection


      • after: String?
      • before: String?
      • first: Int?
      • last: Int?
    • name: String
    • owner: Group
    • rateLimitHits(​after, ​before, ​first, ​last) →  ThirdPartyAppRateLimitHitsConnection


      • after: String?
      • before: String?
      • first: Int?
      • last: Int?
    • secretLength: Int
    • updatedAt: DateTime?
    • users(​after, ​before, ​first, ​last) →  ThirdPartyAppUsersConnection


      • after: String?
      • before: String?
      • first: Int?
      • last: Int?
    • usersCount: Int
    • website: String
  • answeredForms(​after, ​before, ​first, ​last) →  UserAnsweredFormsConnection


    • after: String?
    • before: String?
    • first: Int?
    • last: Int?
  • apprentice: Boolean
  • articles(​after, ​before, ​first, ​last) →  UserArticlesConnection


    • after: String?
    • before: String?
    • first: Int?
    • last: Int?
  • authorizedApps: [ ThirdPartyApp]
    • active: Boolean
    • allowedRedirectUris: [ String]
    • apiUsage(​after, ​before, ​first, ​last) →  ThirdPartyAppApiUsageConnection


      • after: String?
      • before: String?
      • first: Int?
      • last: Int?
    • clientId: String
    • createdAt: DateTime
    • description: String
    • faviconUrl: String
    • id: ID
    • logs(​after, ​before, ​first, ​last) →  ThirdPartyAppLogsConnection


      • after: String?
      • before: String?
      • first: Int?
      • last: Int?
    • name: String
    • owner: Group
    • rateLimitHits(​after, ​before, ​first, ​last) →  ThirdPartyAppRateLimitHitsConnection


      • after: String?
      • before: String?
      • first: Int?
      • last: Int?
    • secretLength: Int
    • updatedAt: DateTime?
    • users(​after, ​before, ​first, ​last) →  ThirdPartyAppUsersConnection


      • after: String?
      • before: String?
      • first: Int?
      • last: Int?
    • usersCount: Int
    • website: String
  • birthday: DateTime?
  • boardMemberships: [ GroupMember]
  • booking(​beneficiary:  String?, ​event:  ID) →  Registration
  • bookings(​...) →  UserBookingsConnection


    • after: String?
    • before: String?
    • first: Int?
    • forUserOnly: Boolean?
    • last: Int?
  • bot: Boolean
  • canAccessDocuments: Boolean
  • canBeEdited: Boolean
  • canCreatePostsOn: [ Group]
  • canEditGroup(​uid:  String) →  Boolean


    • uid: String
  • canEditGroups: Boolean
  • cededImageRightsToTVn7: Boolean
  • contributesTo: [ StudentAssociation]
  • contributesWith: [ ContributionOption]
  • createdAt: DateTime
  • credentials: [ Credential]
  • description: String
  • descriptionHtml: String
  • email: String
  • emailChangeRequests: [ EmailChange]
    • createdAt: DateTime
    • email: String
    • id: ID
    • pending: Boolean
    • updatedAt: DateTime
    • user: User
    • userId: ID
  • enabledNotificationChannels: [ NotificationChannel]
  • external: Boolean
  • familyTree: FamilyTree
    • nesting: String
    • users: [ User]
  • firstName: String
  • fullName: String
  • godchildren: [ User]
  • godparent: User?
  • graduationYear: Int
  • groups: [ GroupMember]
  • id: ID
  • incomingGodparentRequests: [ GodparentRequest]
  • lastName: String
  • latestVersionSeenInChangelog: String
  • links: [ Link]
  • localID: LocalID
  • major: Major?
  • majorId: ID?
  • managedEvents: [ EventManager]
  • minor: Minor?
  • nickname: String
  • otherEmails: [ String]
  • outgoingGodparentRequests: [ GodparentRequest]
  • partiallyAnsweredForms(​after, ​before, ​first, ​last) →  UserPartiallyAnsweredFormsConnection


    • after: String?
    • before: String?
    • first: Int?
    • last: Int?
  • pendingContributions: [ ContributionOption]
  • phone: String
  • pictureFile: String
  • pictureFileDark: String
  • pictureURL(​dark:  Boolean = false) →  String


    • dark: Boolean
  • schoolUid: String?
  • studentAssociationAdmin: Boolean
  • uid: String
  • yearTier: Int


  • address: String
  • apprentice: Boolean
  • birthday: DateTime?
  • cededImageRightsToTVn7: Boolean
  • createdAt: DateTime?
  • email: String
  • emailIsSchoolEmail: Boolean
  • emailValidated: Boolean
  • firstName: String
  • fullName: String
  • graduationYear: Int
  • id: ID
  • lastName: String
  • localID: LocalID
  • major: Major?
  • majorId: ID?
  • needsManualValidation: Boolean?
  • needsManualValidationForMajor(​major:  String) →  Boolean?


    • major: String
  • phone: String
  • schoolEmail: String?
  • schoolServer: String?
  • schoolUid: String?
  • suggestedUid: String
  • uid: String
  • usingQuickSignup: Boolean


  • highlightedDescription: String
  • id: ID
  • rank: Float?
  • similarity: Float
  • user: User


allUsers(​after:  String?, ​before:  String?, ​first:  Int?, ​last:  Int?) →  Connection< User>

birthdays(​activeOnly:  Boolean?, ​now:  DateTime?, ​width:  Int?) →  [ User]

existsInSchoolLdap(​email:  String) →  Boolean

me(​) →  User

quickSignups(​after:  String?, ​before:  String?, ​first:  Int?, ​last:  Int?) →  Connection< QuickSignup>

searchUsers(​q:  String, ​similarityCutoff:  Float?) →  [ UserSearchResult]

user(​id:  ID?, ​uid:  String?) →  User

userByEmail(​email:  String) →  User

userCandidates(​after:  String?, ​before:  String?, ​first:  Int?, ​last:  Int?) →  Connection< UserCandidate>


acceptRegistration(​email:  String) →  Result< User>

createBot(​major:  String?, ​name:  String, ​password:  String, ​uid:  String) →  User


  • major: String?
  • name: String
  • password: String
  • uid: String

createQuickSignup(​school:  String, ​validUntil:  DateTime) →  QuickSignup


  • school: String
  • validUntil: DateTime

deleteGodchild(​godchildUid:  String, ​parentUid:  String) →  Boolean

deleteGodparentRequest(​accept:  Boolean, ​id:  ID) →  GodparentRequest

deleteQuickSignup(​code:  String) →  QuickSignup

deleteRegistration(​id:  ID) →  Boolean

deleteToken(​id:  ID) →  Boolean

deleteUserPicture(​uid:  String) →  Boolean

login(​clientId:  String?, ​email:  String, ​password:  String) →  Result< Credential>

logout(​) →  Boolean

refuseRegistration(​email:  String, ​reason:  String) →  Boolean

renameSession(​id:  ID, ​name:  String) →  Boolean

syncUserLdap(​uid:  String) →  Boolean

updateUser(​...) →  Result< User>


  • address: String
  • apprentice: Boolean
  • birthday: DateTime?
  • cededImageRightsToTVn7: Boolean
  • contributesWith: [ ID]?
  • description: String
  • email: String
  • firstName: String
  • godparentUid: String?
  • graduationYear: Int?
  • lastName: String
  • links: [ LinkInput]
  • majorId: ID?
  • minorId: ID?
  • nickname: String
  • otherEmails: [ String]
  • phone: String
  • uid: UID

    updateUserCandidate(​...) →  Error |  MutationUpdateUserCandidateSuccess |  ZodError


    • address: String
    • birthday: DateTime?
    • cededImageRightsToTVn7: Boolean
    • email: String
    • firstName: String
    • graduationYear: Int
    • lastName: String
    • majorId: ID
    • phone: String
    • register: Boolean
    • uid: UID

      updateUserPermissions(​canAccessDocuments:  Boolean, ​uid:  String) →  User

      updateUserPicture(​file:  File, ​uid:  String) →  String

      upsertGodparentRequest(​godchildUid:  String, ​godparentUid:  String, ​id:  ID?) →  Result< GodparentRequest>

      Churros API, version 1.71.0 (at 242e0c3)

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