
Système de boutique permettant aux groupes de mettre en vente des produits.



  • createdAt: DateTime
  • description: String
  • descriptionHtml: String
  • endsAt: DateTime?
  • group: Group
  • id: ID
  • itemOptions: [ ShopItemOption]
    • id: ID
    • name: String
    • options: [ String]
    • otherToggle: Boolean
    • required: Boolean
    • shopItem: ShopItem
  • localID: LocalID
  • lydiaAccount: LydiaAccount?
  • max: Int
  • name: String
  • paymentMethods: [ PaymentMethod]
  • pictures: [ Picture]
    • id: ID
    • path: String
    • position: Int
  • price: Float
  • shopPayments: [ ShopPayment]
  • slug: String
  • startsAt: DateTime?
  • stock: Int
  • stockLeft: Int
  • uid: String
  • updatedAt: DateTime
  • visibility: GroupRestricted | Private | Public | SchoolRestricted | Unlisted


  • id: String
  • name: String
  • options: [ String]
  • otherToggle: Boolean
  • required: Boolean


  • createdAt: DateTime
  • id: ID
  • paid: Boolean
  • paymentMethod: Card | Cash | Check | Lydia | Other | PayPal | Transfer
  • quantity: Int
  • shopItem: ShopItem
  • shopItemAnswer: ShopItemAnswer?
    • id: ID
    • options: [ String]
    • shopPayment: ShopPayment
    • shopPaymentId: String
  • totalPrice: Float
  • updatedAt: DateTime
  • user: User


shopItem(​slug:  String) →  ShopItem


deleteItemPicture(​groupUid:  String, ​itemId:  String, ​pictureId:  String) →  Boolean

deleteShopOption(​optionIds:  [ String]) →  Boolean

paidShopPayment(​paymentMethod:  PaymentMethod?, ​phone:  String?, ​shopPaymentId:  ID) →  Result< ShopPayment>

updateItemPicture(​file:  File, ​groupUid:  String, ​itemId:  String) →  Picture

upsertShopItem(​...) →  Result< ShopItem>

upsertShopOptions(​itemOptions:  [ ShopItemOptionInput], ​shopItemId:  String) →  Boolean

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